Official synopsis: In present day Prague, Martin makes a deal with the Russians to rescue Kate. Meanwhile, President Arsanov's plan for Kate is moving forward in Chechnya. Gabi struggles to decide what to do about her husband. In 2004, Dmitry asks one last favor of Terrence. And in a flashback to 1972, the last pieces of the puzzle to understanding Martin Odum's true identity are revealed.
WHAT a finale!!! All the currently known pieces are put together, we finally see the whole picture as presented this series, Martin Odum's origins. For this finale, I'm going to do the summary by people instead of by timeframe.
Gabi Miskova: she is disgusted by behaviour of bribe-taking hubby District Attorney Krystof Blazek, has him arrested. Yet it is revealed that she committed adultery with Ballard when she visited the US, told him she had married the wrong man.
Curtis Ballard: now missing a leg, he is relegated to unsatisfactory desk work within the FBI, despite having passed field tests. He was happy that Gabi visited him, finally rejected his Mormon religious hangups and fully enjoyed her company as both of them had wanted from their first meeting.
Terrence Graves: Alexei's MI6 mentor and spy handler. British double agent for the Russian KGB, all because he didn't want to be outed as gay. As already seen, ends up with dementia and put in a nursing home by his family. However, dementia was already onset in 2004. His memory lapses were the main cause of Martin's fail to leave MI6 and his subsequent disastrous assignment in Iraq as John Cameron. He finally confessed all the truth to his wife, but she dismissed it as a figment of his mental degeneration.
Dmitry Petrovich: with Ilyana for 3 years after 2001 events but was tired of playing the part, wanted to tell the truth, get out of spying. Terrence disagreed. Dmitry ended up pushing her away, telling her he never wanted to see her again, that everything he told her was a lie. Yet he tried once more to break free
, got money for Terrence to hide for him so he, Ilyana, and Katya could escape.
Ilyana Zakayeva Crawford: reached London safely. After Dmitry left, the Russians threatened her and Kate, to make sure. This is why she was so frightened intially to talk to Martin. At the end, Martin wanted to be with her and Kate, but couldn't because of the Russian deal. And her marriage.
Kate (Katya Zakayeva) Crawford: Kate tried everything she could think of to stop the marriage, including saying she wasn't a virgin. To no avail. Arsanov returned to Chechnya and the marriage was performed, but with consummation looming, she couldn't wait for rescue any longer, took matters literally into her own hands by stabbing Arsanov in the neck with a table knife. Then Martin burst in to help her. They successfully escaped to the waiting helicopter, and she got away safely, went home.
Martin Odum: with the complete file from the Russians in front of him, Martin relearned his past real life as Alexei Volkov, recruited from his family as a young lad by Hugh Sedley, also a British double agent for the KGB. He had this bright idea that the perfect double agent could be created from childhood. Alex Reed was his star pupil, growing up British right through to University, yet expected to be loyal to the KGB once hired by the government and things were explained. That is where Terrence Graves came into the picture as his mentor. Then the Russians tell him he is still a KGB agent over anything else, but they will help him rescue Kate if he kills Arsanov. Martin makes double sure of Kate's safety by telling MI6 & CIA to have a helicopter rescue for her. CIA Nina offers, but no help for himself. When he gets to Chechnya, and into the palace, he finds that Kate has already stabbed Arsanov. He got Kate out cleanly & away, but the Russians insist he remain with them. They put him in prison, but since he wasn't the one that killed Arsanov, say he can go free if he works for them. He will not. And that's where we last see Alexei, whom we've known as Martin Odum.

WOW! So, we are led to believe that Alex/Martin was a Russian KGB agent from the very beginning. While it's true they did do such things, I'm not buying this for a single minute, since Howard Gordon had laid out 7 potential series for LEGENDS. And since we're abruptly introduced to Martin's Irish legend "Kieran," it's clear they intended on doing a Series 3. Yes, I'm still hoping!
I did read the book LEGENDS by Robert Littell, still highly recommend it as a great spy thriller, as the story is entirely different from the TV show.
Until next time!! Thank you so much for reading these reviews!!
Written by Donna DeBoer (
@DRLDeBoer on Twitter)