Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

LEGENDS Episode 208 "The Legend of Doku Zakayev" Summary & Brief Review

Official synopsis: In present day Prague, Martin goes back to work for Tamir, just like he did in 2001, but Tamir has other plans for him. Gabi confronts Blazek about his secret dealings. Kate is a prisoner in the President's compound in Chechnya. In 2001 Prague, Dmitry must convince Tamir to pick up where Doku left off and earn General Arsanov's trust. Ballard and Gabi suspect Dmitry and Ilyana have conspired to commit murder. http://www.tntdrama.com/shows/legends/season-2/episode-8/the-legend-of-doku-zakayev.html SPOILERS...

Δευτέρα 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

#‎DONTCANCELLEGENDS Twitter Campaign For Saving LEGENDS TV Show Starring Sean Bean!!

There is currently a campaign on Twitter for saving ‪‎LEGENDS‬ - hashtag ‪#‎DONTCANCELLEGENDS‬ - it already has my participation. I have already written email letters to Turner/TNT, but it seems to me that TNT is done with it. However, LEGENDS is produced by worldwide company FOX 21 & is shown in many TV markets. This is a time where other media outlets are looking for quality established shows, so I think LEGENDS is a great candidate...

Πέμπτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Happy Holidays from Sean Bean Fans!

Tis the season for giving, kindness & generosity!  Photos from Hampstead Christmas Festival, 2012.       HAPPY CHRISTMAS!...

Τετάρτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

LEGENDS Episode 207 "The Second Legend of Dmitry Petrovich" Summary & Brief Review

Official synopsis: In present day Prague, Kate goes missing, and Martin fears she's been abducted. Martin makes a risky proposition to Nina and Simon in an effort to bring her to safety. Gabi discovers that Blazek may have a dangerous connection to Tamir. In 2001 Prague, Ballard and Gabi use questionable methods to threaten Dmitry. In 1985 England, Alex suspects his friend Terrence has resorted to ruthless tactics. http://www.tntdrama.com/shows/legends/season-2/episode-7/the-second-legend-of-dmitry-petrovich.html SPOILERS...

Πέμπτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

LEGENDS Episode 206 "The Legend of Tamir Zakayev" Summary & Brief Review

Official synopsis: In present day Paris, Martin prepares Kate for a dangerous job that Simon isn't sure she can handle. In Prague, Gabi confronts the intelligence agents about Martin Odum. She knows they're hiding something. In 2001 Prague, Ballard and Gabi discover Dmitry has a vulnerability. In 1984 England, Alex is recruited for a distinguished position, but finds that it comes with a demand for a personal sacrifice. http://www.tntdrama.com/shows/legends/season-2/episode-6/the-legend-of-tamir-zakayev.html  SPOILERS...

Δευτέρα 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

The Frankenstein Chronicles starring Sean Bean Ep 1.06 "Lost and Found" Finale Wednesday on ITV Encore!

Last episode of the series! It has been absolutely terrific, and I'm also left wondering if there's more story to tell about Sean's John Marlott. The tale has been way too short. The 6-part series begins in Spain 15th December and airs on premium Wuaki.tv beginning 18th December! Still waiting for air date announcements by France's Canal Plus network and by US entity A&E Network, please keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest news!...

Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

LEGENDS Episode 205 "The Legend of Terrence Graves" Summary & Brief Review

Official synopsis: In present day Paris, Nina and MI6 agent Simon Hardy (Gershwyn Eustace Jr.) offer Kate a deal that Martin doesn't like, but Martin may not have a choice. Ballard convinces the FBI to let him take down Martin. In 2001 Prague, Dmitry enlists Ilyana as an MI-6 operative and gives her an assignment. In 1976 England, we learn that Terrence has a secret life. http://www.tntdrama.com/shows/legends/season-2/episode-5/the-legend-of-terrence-graves.html  SPOILERS...

Δευτέρα 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

The Frankenstein Chronicles starring Sean Bean Ep 1.05 "The Frankenstein Murders" Wednesday on ITV Encore!

Two more episodes to go! It's really been an amazing series, with all the puzzle pieces of the mystery, famous people and how it all fits together, plus one of Sean's finest performances yet. You won't be disappointed! Yet another reminder the 6-part series has also been acquired by France's Canal Plus network and by US entity A&E Network.   Those premiere dates are yet to be announced, please keep an eye on our Facebook page...

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

LEGENDS Episode 204 "The Legend of Ilyana Zakayeva" Summary & Brief Review

Official synopsis: In present day Paris, Kate is a fugitive as a result of her link to a violent attack. Martin puts her into hiding and attempts to use Nina Brenner (Kelly Overton) to get Kate out of trouble. Meanwhile, Ballard learns some useful information from Ilyana that could lead him to Martin. In 2001 Prague, when Ilyana asks Dmitry for a dangerous favor, he offers her a deal instead. And Tamir tries to save his own skin by using evidence...