Κυριακή 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Sean Bean - Year in Review 2012

It was a very diverse & interesting results year for Sean! Some truly great performance moments by him, my faves are ticked by asterisks: Sean Bean & Ashley Judd in Missing *Missing. 10 episode global TV series about 2 ex-CIA parents looking for their kidnapped son. Sean was the father, Paul Winstone. The show had action & a few crazy twists mixed with flashbacks of the Winstone family story, but overall I really enjoyed it and...

Κυριακή 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Sean Bean Supports The 'Living Paintings' Charity Project.

Sean Bean has lent his voice and support to a project by Kingsclere charity Living Paintings. The Lord of the Rings actor recorded the story of Beowulf for Living Paintings – a story which is included in the charity’s latest educational book currently in production, The Anglo Saxons.  The Touch to See book contains special versions of pictures with raised surfaces that come to life when fingers feel them.The audio descriptions...

Τετάρτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Sean Bean Replaces Brendan Fraser In TNT's Legends

Things didn't work out for ABC's Missing, but the cancelled ABC drama may not be the last we've seen of Sean Bean on the small screen. The actor has been cast to fill the role vacated by Brendan Fraser in TNT's drama pilot Legends. From the description of the part, he may not be the only person playing the character. . . Read More Here  Legends was created by Homeland executive producer Howard Gordon. Bean will star as Martin Odum,...