Πέμπτη 16 Απριλίου 2015

Sean Bean Busy Filming THE FRANKENSTEIN CHRONICLES & oh, Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Sean!! May it be bright & blessed!! It's the 17th of April 2015 and this year Sean is in & around Belfast, Northern Ireland, hard at work filming ITV's premium channel inaugural crime drama series THE FRANKENSTEIN CHRONICLES, rumoured to be premiering in December! Again, Sean is starring in it as Inspector John Marlott. The production will be a six-part period piece set in 1827. Here are some of my fave set photos from...

Πέμπτη 9 Απριλίου 2015

ANY DAY Review - Out Now on iTunes - US Cinema Release in May!

ANY DAY a drama by Rustam Branaman Starring: Sean Bean Eva Longoria Kate Walsh Nolan Gross Tom Arnold Paul Ben-Victor Synopsis: Vian McLean (Sean Bean) is an ex-fighter who is filled with resentment. He killed a man with his bare hands and has just spent the last 12 years in prison for the crime. Upon his release from prison he goes to stay with his sister Bethley (Kate Walsh) and her son Jimmy (Nolan Gross) who gets to know his uncle...