Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2014

2nd Trailer for Jupiter Ascending! Sean Bean is Stinger

Great news, looks like Sean Bean's role as Stinger in Jupiter Ascending is bigger than I previously thought! Once again he features rather prominently in the newest trailer, just released: Film releases 18 July 2014 in the US, check your local cinema listings! Official Website: http://jupiterascending.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jupiterascending Written by Donna DeB...

Παρασκευή 7 Μαρτίου 2014

Enemy of Man, the Macbeth adaption starring Sean Bean, on Kickstarter, needs funding help!

Enemy of Man, the Shakespeare Macbeth adaption film by Vincent Regan and starring our own Sean Bean as Macbeth, needs a fresh source of funding to continue this excellent project. They are asking both fans and industry for help via Kickstarter through 6 April 2014, here is the link to help them: kickstart.enemyofmanmovie.com  There are a number of gifts available in exchange for certain monetary level of pledges, just US$15 guarantees a digital copy of the finished film! (Note: delivery if it gets finished, I absolutely want it, plus it's...